Three of our members participated in the ICRA conference that took place at London Excel! At one of the largest robotic conferences, our members Ivan Lončar, Natko Kraševac, and Juraj Obradović conducted a tutorial titled "TEAM – Technology Enablers for Autonomous Maritime Robots: Digital Twins with Simulations and Cloud-enabled Massive Scale Datasets for Experimentation and Validation."
This tutorial was conducted in collaboration with the research group Reeds ( from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. The collaboration between LABUST and Reeds began during the unmanned ship project with a common goal of creating large datasets for research and development in the field of autonomous boat driving. Although both groups shared the same goal, they chose different approaches. The Reed group acquired large amounts of data from their custom-made ship, equipped with a variety of sensors, while LABUST decided to take a different approach by creating a realistic simulation of the marine environment and tools for automatic data labeling using the MARUS simulator. For this tutorial, we decided to test the fusion of these two approaches in a Digital Twin, combining the best of both worlds to provide the best possible results for anyone using the data. The tutorial was a half-day event that took place on the first day of the conference, May 29, 2023.
On the final day of the conference, Natko Kraševac and Juraj Obradović participated in the Scalable Autonomous Driving tutorial, where they had the opportunity to listen to presentations from leading companies in the autonomous driving field, such as Nvidia and Cruise.